Michael Pozhidaev

E-mail: msp (at) luwrain (dot) org
Occupation: Software Engineer
Degree: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Organization: Tomsk State University
Position: Assistant Professor
Date of birth: March 23, 1983
Origin: Tomsk, Russia
Areas of interest:
cloud computing,
assistive technologies
Hobbies: piano and travel
Blind person from 2002 due to illness
- 2000--2007, Tomsk State University, Department of Computer Science
- 2007--2010, Tomsk State University, postgraduate education with a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science
Open Source activity
- LUWRAIN, aJava platform for portable apps for the blind and visually-impaired
- VoiceMan speech server for GNU/Linux
Key events
- Internet+ training for the disabled people, APEC, Guangzhou, 2018
- Graffiti for the blind supporting the LUWRAIN project, Ekaterinburg, 2017
- St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, 2016
- Impact Journalism Day, 2015
- The Summit of Major Asian Cities, 2014
Key Publications
- Introducing LUWRAIN: Can GNU/Linux help us rethink accessibility solutions for the blind? Linux Journal, Texus, US, 2015
- The Framework for Accessible Applications: Text-Based Case for Blind People ACM DL, CEE/SECR, 2014